I will be failing if I do not share the good news with regards to the good and excellent work you have done. Yesterday KgosiEsego's new class teacher had gifts for them. It was a lolly and a bookmark with a Biblical Special message for each( I assume it might be the same message though personalized for each child). They asked KgosiEsego to read his message, he was fluent and elaborate even understood what that message said, could explain it. The teacher and all were amazed as if he saw the message before and practiced reading it. The teacher said" well you are clearly not for beginner's reading, your books will be different". But had it not been for your T.E.A.M @ LCJ he wouldn't be that confident and eloquent too.We have done some work on him but you did the rest. They asked which Preschool and we proudly answered Little Crackerjacks in Glenanda and the teacher Said" well they seem to be doing a good job" because last year she had another boy from your preschool who was sharp too, she said. So thank you Melissa, Hayley and the whole T.E.A.M.which means Together Everybody Achieves More( T.E.A.M). YOU ARE SIMPLY THE BEST , BETTER THAN ALL THE REST! Sincerest gratitude and keep up that family spirit and love.